Dental Services
Dental Check-Up, Gum Treatment, Root Canals, Crown and Bridge, Dental Implants, Cosmetics, & Emergencies
Dental Check-Up
Preventive dental care is important throughout your life, no matter your age. By practicing good oral hygiene at home and scheduling regular checkups with your dentist, you can help keep your smile bright and healthy for many years to come.
Gum Treatment
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums surrounding your teeth. Gum disease is one of the top reasons for tooth loss in adults, and because it is virtually pain-free, many patients do not know they have the disease. During each regular checkup, we will check for signs of periodontal disease by measuring the space between your teeth and gums and may recommend deep cleaning.
Root Canals
A root canal consist of treating and handling dental problems that involve the nerve tissue and blood vessels located inside the tooth. If the tooth pulp, containing nerves, vessels, lymphatic tissue, and fibrous tissue, becomes diseased or injured, endodontic treatment is required to save the tooth. After root canal treatment, the tooth is very mechanically compromised and will need a full coverage crown to avoid fracturing the tooth.
Crown and Bridge
Dental crowns and bridges are natural-looking fixed dental appliances that can replace a single tooth or a section of missing teeth. Because they are custom-made, crowns and bridges are barely noticeable and can restore the natural contour of teeth as well as the proper bite relationship between upper and lower teeth.
Dental Implants
An implant is a synthetic tooth root in the shape of a post that is surgically placed into the jawbone. The “root” is usually made of titanium: the same material used in many replacement hips and knees, and a metal that is well-suited to pairing with human bone. A replacement tooth is then fixed to the post. The tooth can be either permanently attached or removable. Permanent teeth are more stable and feel more like natural teeth.
Are you considering a makeover? Why not start with your smile! By correcting or improving the shade, shape, spacing, height or width of your teeth, your smile can be transformed into your best asset. Our skillful team use state-of-the-art technology and materials to deliver superb results that are sure to please. Arrange for a private consultation to discuss your beautiful smile!